

早坂 一郎 博士 文献・標本リスト

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文献 標本リスト 電子

HAYASAKA, I. 1920: A New Species of Conularia from Southern Kitakami, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.27, no.327, pp.87-90.
早坂 一郎 1920:地質学雑誌, vol.27, no.327, pp.87-90.


HAYASAKA, I. 1922: On Some Tertiary Brachiopods from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.6, no.2, pp.139-163, pls.7-8.
早坂 一郎 1922:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.6, no.2, pp.139-163, pls.7-8.


HAYASAKA, I. 1923: Some Permian fossils from the Kitakami Mountains. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.2, no.4, pp.107-116.
早坂 一郎 1923:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.2, no.4, pp.107-116.

HAYASAKA, I. 1924: On the Fauna of the anthracolithic limestone of Omi-Mura in the western part of Echigo. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.8, no.1, pp.1-83, pls.1-7.
早坂 一郎 1924:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.8, no.1, pp.1-83, pls.1-7.


HAYASAKA, I. 1925: On some Paleozoic molluscs of Japan. 1. Lamellibranchiata and Scaphopoda. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.8, no.2, pp.1-29.
早坂 一郎 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.8, no.2, pp.1-29.


HAYASAKA, I. 1925: Fossils in the Roofing Slate of Ogachi, Prov. Rikuzen. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.3, no.2, pp.45-53.
早坂 一郎 1925:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.3, no.2, pp.45-53.

HAYASAKA, I. 1936: A Twinned or Double Fossil Shell of Rotalia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.2, pp.5-7.
早坂 一郎 1936:化石Rotaliaの双生標本.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.2, pp.5-7.

調査中 ePublication

HAYASAKA, I. 1939: On the Identity of Echigophyllum YABE and HAYASAKA (1924) and Amygdalophyllum Dun and Benson (1920): with the Description of Amygdalophyllum giganteum YABE and HAYASAKA. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.16, pp.89-91.
早坂 一郎 1939:EchigophyllumとAmygdalophyllumとが同一属に属する事に就いて附Amygdalophyllum giganteumYABE and HAYASAKAの記載.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.16, pp.89-91.


HAYASAKA, I. 1940: On Two Permian Ammonoids from the Kitakanzi Mountains, North Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1940, no.19, pp.66-71.
早坂 一郎 1940:北上山地産二畳紀アムモノイド2種.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1940, no.19, pp.66-71.


HAYASAKA, I. 1941: Pictothyris hanzawai YABE from Tokunosima, Kagosima Prefecture, Kyusyu. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.577.
早坂 一郎 1941:鹿兒島縣徳ノ島産Pictothyris hanzawai YABEに就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.577.

HAYASAKA, I. 1941: Conformable time-gap. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.11, no.5.
早坂 一郎 1941:整合の時間間隙.科学, vol.11, no.5.

HAYASAKA, I. 1941: On Fossil Pictothyris from Taiwan and Tokuno-shima. Kagoshima Prefecture. Taiwan Geological Notes (Taiwan Tigaku Kizi), vol.12, no.4.
早坂 一郎 1941:臺灣産及德丿島化石Pictothyrisに就いて.台湾地学記事, vol.12, no.4.

HAYASAKA, I. 1942: On the Fossil Pictothyris from Taiwan. Taiwan Geological Notes (Taiwan Tigaku Kizi), vol.13, nos.2-3.
早坂 一郎 1942:臺灣産化石Pictothyris.台湾地学記事, vol.13, nos.2-3.

HAYASAKA, I. 1942: On the Occurrence of Mammalian Remains in Taiwan: A Preliminary Summary. Taiwan Geological Notes (Taiwan Tigaku Kizi), vol.13, no.4.
早坂 一郎 1942:台湾地学記事, vol.13, no.4.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: On the Jurassic Formation of the Philippines: with a Note on Trigonia. Taiwan Geological Notes (Taiwan Tigaku Kizi), vol.14, nos.1-2.
早坂 一郎 1943:フィリッピン群島のジュラ紀層に就いて(附三角貝屬についての記事).台湾地学記事, vol.14, nos.1-2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: Fossil Brachiopods from Taiwan: a Preliminary Note. Taiwan Geological Notes (Taiwan Tigaku Kizi), vol.14, nos.1-2.
早坂 一郎 1943:臺灣産化石腕足類(豫報).台湾地学記事, vol.14, nos.1-2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: Arca multiformis MARTIN from Luzon. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, vol.33, no.241.
早坂 一郎 1943:台湾博物学会会報, vol.33, no.241.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: A Second Note on the Occurrcnce of Fossil Thyasira in the Philippines. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, vol.33, no.241.
早坂 一郎 1943:台湾博物学会会報, vol.33, no.241.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: On Fossil Thyasira in the Philippines. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, vol.33, no.237.
早坂 一郎 1943:フィリッピン産化石Thyasiraに就いて.台湾博物学会会報, vol.33, no.237.

HAYASAKA, I. 1943: On Some Permian Gastropods from Kinsyozan, Akasakamati, Gihu Prefecture, Part I. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, Series 3, vol.1, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1943:台北帝国大学理農学部紀要, vol.1, no.2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1944: A New Species of Miocene Arca from the Philippines. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, vol.34, nos.246-247.
早坂 一郎 1944:台湾博物学会会報, vol.34, nos.246-247.

HAYASAKA, I. 1944: On the Geological Age of the Brachiopod Beds in the Vicinity of Nabeyama, Totigi Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.51, no.608.
早坂 一郎 1944:栃木縣鍋山附近腕足類層の時代について.地質学雑誌, vol.51, no.608.

HAYASAKA, I. 1944: Sanguinolites parallelomarginatus sp. nov.. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, vol.34, nos.248-249.
早坂 一郎 1944:台湾博物学会会報, vol.34, nos.248-249.

HAYASAKA, I. 1946: On Fossil and Recent Brachiopods of Formosa. Bulletin of the Oceanographical Institute of Taiwan, no.1.
早坂 一郎 1946:

HAYASAKA, I. 1946: Observations on the Coral Reefs of Penghu Islands. Bulletin of the Oceanographical Institute of Taiwan, no.1.
早坂 一郎 1946:

HAYASAKA, I. 1947: Is there any Particular Feature in the Mairne Neogeoe Fauna of Taiwan ?. Bulletin of the Oceanographical Institute of Taiwan, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1947:

HAYASAKA, I. 1947: A Permian Cephalopod Faunule from Chechiang Province, China. Science Reports of the National Taiwan University, The 1st Ser., Acta geologica Taiwanica, vol.1, no.1.
早坂 一郎 1947:国立台湾大学理学院研究報告.第1種, vol.1, no.1.

HAYASAKA, I. 1947: Fossil Species of Clypeaster from Taiwan. (Notes on Some Fossil Echinoids of Taiwan, I). Science Reports of the National Taiwan University, The 1st Ser., Acta geologica Taiwanica, vol.1, no.1.
早坂 一郎 1947:国立台湾大学理学院研究報告.第1種, vol.1, no.1.

HAYASAKA, I. 1947: Notes on Some Fossil Echinoids of Taiwan, II. Science Reports of the National Taiwan University, The 1st Ser., Acta geologica Taiwanica, vol.1, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1947:国立台湾大学理学院研究報告.第1種, vol.1, no.2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1947: Notes on some Fossil Echinoids of Taiwan, III. Science Reports of the National Taiwan University, The 1st Ser., Acta geologica Taiwanica, vol.1, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1947:国立台湾大学理学院研究報告.第1種, vol.1, no.2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1948: Notes on Some Fossil Echinoids of Taiwan, IV. Science Reports of the National Taiwan University, The 1st Ser., Acta geologica Taiwanica, vol.2, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1948:国立台湾大学理学院研究報告.第1種, vol.2, no.2.

HAYASAKA, I. 1951: Fossil Echinoids from Taiwan. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.60, no.1, pp.26-30.
早坂 一郎 1951:地学雑誌, vol.60, no.1, pp.26-30.

HAYASAKA, I. 1951: A Few Neglected Aspects in Paleontology and Stratigraphy. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.57, no.670, pp.247-254.
早坂 一郎 1951:地質学雑誌, vol.57, no.670, pp.247-254.

HAYASAKA, I. 1952: Terebratalia (?) Innaiensis (Hayasaka) from Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.7, pp.213-214.
早坂 一郎 1952:岩手県産のTeretratalia (?) innaiensis.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.7, pp.213-214.


HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Hamletella, a New Permian Genus of Brachiopoda, and a New Species from the Kitakami Mountains, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.12, pp.89-95.
早坂 一郎 1953:二貴紀腕足類新Hamletlla.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.12, pp.89-95.


HAYASAKA, I. 1953: On the Echinoid called "Sinaechinus katcaguchii". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.3, pp.217-220.
早坂 一郎 1953:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.3, pp.217-220.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: A Pliocene Mya-Bed in Hokkaido: A Paleoecological Note. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.3, pp.221-224.
早坂 一郎 1953:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.3, pp.221-224.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Revision and Summary on the Paleozoic Fossils in Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.59, no.694, pp.292-293.
早坂 一郎 1953:地質学雑誌, vol.59, no.694, pp.292-293.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Permian and Carboniferous Cephalopods from the Kitakami Mountains. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.59, no.694, pp.344-345.
早坂 一郎 1953:地質学雑誌, vol.59, no.694, pp.344-345.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Strata and Fossil. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.1, pp.10-15.
早坂 一郎 1953:有孔虫, no.1, pp.10-15.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Theory of Organic Evolution and Geology. An Introductry Address to the Publication of the "Organic Evolution". Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-3.
早坂 一郎 1953:生物進化, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-3.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Fantasia Geologica (2). Journal of the Society of Earthscientists and Amateurs of Japan, vol.6, no.5, pp.233-238.
早坂 一郎 1953:地学研究, vol.6, no.5, pp.233-238.

HAYASAKA, I. 1953: Palaeontology of Foot Prints.-Actions of an Echinoid, Arachnoides placenta (L.). Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.23, no.9, pp.481-483.
早坂 一郎 1953:科学, vol.23, no.9, pp.481-483.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: Fusulina in Formosa. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.2, pp.5-6.
早坂 一郎 1954:有孔虫, no.2, pp.5-6.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: Euconospira with Color Marking from the Permian of Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.4, pp.349-360.
早坂 一郎 1954:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.4, pp.349-360.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: Younger Paleozoic Cephalopods from the Kitakami Mountains, Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.4, pp.361-374.
早坂 一郎 1954:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.4, pp.361-374.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: A Story of the History of Evolution, Advent of Darwin, I. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.1, no.8, pp.61-69.
早坂 一郎 1954:生物進化, vol.1, no.8, pp.61-69.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: A Story of the History of Evolution, Advent of Darwin, II. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.2, no.1, pp.1-9.
早坂 一郎 1954:生物進化, vol.2, no.1, pp.1-9.

HAYASAKA, I. 1954: An Occurrence of Koninckioceras from the Japanese Permian. Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.25, nos.1-2, pp.57-59.
早坂 一郎 1954:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.25, nos.1-2, pp.57-59.

HAYASAKA, I. 1955: A Story of the History of Evolution, Advent of Darwin, III. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.2, nos.2-3, pp.68-73.
早坂 一郎 1955:生物進化, vol.2, nos.2-3, pp.68-73.

HAYASAKA, I. 1955: A New Permian Species of Porcellia from Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.9, no.1, pp.21-24.
早坂 一郎 1955:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.9, no.1, pp.21-24.

HAYASAKA, I. 1955: Zwei Spezies der Oberkretazischen Kieselschwämme aus Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.9, no.1, pp.25-30.
早坂 一郎 1955:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.9, no.1, pp.25-30.

HAYASAKA, I. 1955: On the Giant Ammonite, Recently donated to the National Science Museum. Natural Science and Museums, vol.22, nos.3-5, pp.36-38.
早坂 一郎 1955:自然科学と博物館, vol.22, nos.3-5, pp.36-38.

HAYASAKA, I. 1955: On the Permian Cephalopoda from Japan. Journal of the Society of Earthscientists and Amateurs of Japan, vol.8, no.3, pp.71-76.
早坂 一郎 1955:地学研究, vol.8, no.3, pp.71-76.

HAYASAKA, I. 1956: On the Siliceous Sponge from Cretaceous Formation in Hokkaido. Bulletin of the Geological Committee of Hokkaido, no.32, pp.10-11.
早坂 一郎 1956:北海道地質要報, no.32, pp.10-11.

HAYASAKA, I. 1957: Two Permian Nautiloids from Takakura-yama near Yotsukura-machi, Fukushima Prefecture (Abukuma Plateau Region), Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.6, pp.21-30, pls.8-9.
早坂 一郎; 1957:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.6, pp.21-30, pls.8-9.


HAYASAKA, I. 1960: A New Permian Species of Foordiceras from the Kitakami Mountains. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.5, no.2, pp.86-94.
早坂 一郎 1960:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.5, no.2, pp.86-94.

HAYASAKA, I. 1962: Two Species of Tainoceras from the Permian of the Kitakami Mountains. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.6, no.2, pp.137-143.
早坂 一郎 1962:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.6, no.2, pp.137-143.

HAYASAKA, I. 1962: Two Species of Tainoceras from the Permian of the Kitakami Mountains. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.6, no.2, pp.187-143, pls.11-12.
早坂 一郎 1962:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.6, no.2, pp.187-143, pls.11-12.

HAYASAKA, I. 1963: Short Note. 11. Orthotichia Japonica Hayasaka (1933) and Orthotichia Magnifica Grabau (1936. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.52, pp.154-154.
早坂 一郎 1963:Short Note.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.52, pp.154-154.


HAYASAKA, I. 1963: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami II. Two brachiopod species. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.39, no.7, pp.479-483.
早坂 一郎 1963:

HAYASAKA, I. 1963: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami III. Ammonoidea. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.39, no.8, pp.594-599.
早坂 一郎 1963:

HAYASAKA, I. 1963: Some Permian fossils of southern Kitakami IV. Brachiopod Superfamily Orthotetacea WILLIAMS. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.39, no.10, pp.753-757.
早坂 一郎 1963:

HAYASAKA, I. 1964: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami V. Aulosteges sp. indet.. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.40, no.7, pp.528-532.
早坂 一郎 1964:

HAYASAKA, I. 1964: Ontogeny, phylogeny and evolution in paleontology. Fossils (Kaseki), no.8, pp.87-93.
早坂 一郎 1964:古生物学における個体発生宗教発生及び進化の問題.化石, no.8, pp.87-93.

HAYASAKA, I. 1965: Some Cephalopods in the Permian Faunule of Takakura-Yama, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.57, pp.8-27, pls.2-3.
早坂 一郎 1965:福島県高倉山ベルム紀化石群中の頭足類について.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.57, pp.8-27, pls.2-3.


HAYASAKA, I. 1966: An Upper Palaeozoic fauna from Miharanoro, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.13, no.3, pp.261-264.
早坂 一郎 1966:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.13, no.3, pp.261-264.

HAYASAKA, I. 1966: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami VI. Three brachiopods. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.42, no.10, pp.1223-1228.
早坂 一郎 1966:

HAYASAKA, I. 1967: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami. VII. Two species of Phymatifer. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.43, no.2, pp.143-147.
早坂 一郎 1967:

HAYASAKA, I. 1967: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami. VIII. Two pelecypods. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.43, no.5, pp.378-383.
早坂 一郎 1967:

HAYASAKA, I. 1967: Some Permian fossils from southern Kitakami. IX. Two pelecypod genera: Allorisma and Myoconcha. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.43, no.6, pp.517-521.
早坂 一郎 1967:

HAYASAKA, I. 1967: A Second occurrence of Tainoceras abukumense HAYASAKA in the Southern Kitakami. Fossils (Kaseki), no.14, pp.1-2, pl.1.
早坂 一郎 1967:北上山地南部におけるTainoceras abukumense HAYASAKAの第2標本.化石, no.14, pp.1-2, pl.1.

HAYASAKA, I. 1967: On some small-sized fossil brachiopods from Yama-suga, Tochigi Pref.. Natural Science and Museums, vol.34, no.3−4, pp.44-49.
早坂 一郎 1967:栃木県葛生町山菅産の小型化石腕足類についての予報.自然科学と博物館, vol.34, no.3−4, pp.44-49.

HAYASAKA, I. 1969: A memorial to Professor Hisakazu YABE. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.75, pp.153-155.
早坂 一郎 1969:日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.75, pp.153-155.

HAYASAKA, I. AND ET, A. 1951: On the Permian Fossils from the Ogura-dani, Nojiri, Kamianama-mura, Ono-gun. Fukui Prefecture (Preliminary Report). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.57, no.670, p.266.
早坂 一郎 1951:地質学雑誌, vol.57, no.670, p.266.

HAYASAKA, I. AND ET, A. 1951: Study on the Neogene Tertiary near Daishoji Town, Southern Ishikawa Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.57, no.670, p.283.
早坂 一郎 1951:地質学雑誌, vol.57, no.670, p.283.

HAYASAKA, I. AND ET, A. 1952: The Japanese Lithostrotionella and its Related Problems. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.58, no.682, pp.318-319.
早坂 一郎 1952:地質学雑誌, vol.58, no.682, pp.318-319.

HAYASAKA, I. AND FUKADA, A. 1951: On the Ontogeny of Barroisiceras minimum Yabe from the Upper Ammonite Bed in Hokkaido (Palaeontological Study of Cretaceous Ammonites from Hokkaidô - (1).). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.7, no.4, pp.324-330, pls.1-2.
早坂 一郎; 1951:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.7, no.4, pp.324-330, pls.1-2.


HAYASAKA, I. AND GAN, S. 1940: A Note on Camarophoria purdoni from the Permian of Timor. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1940, no.17, pp.19-24.
早坂 一郎・顔 滄波 1940:チモール島二畳系産Camarophoria“Puraoni”に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1940, no.17, pp.19-24.


HAYASAKA, I. AND HATAI, K. 1950: The New Japanese Tertiary Brachiopoda. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.2.
早坂 一郎 1950:

HAYASAKA, I. AND HATAI, K. 1956: A New Species of Lingula from Hokkaido, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.23, pp.219-220.
早坂 一郎・畑井 小虎 1956:北海道産Lingulaの一新種.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.23, pp.219-220.


HAYASAKA, I. AND HAYASAKA, S. 1953: Fossil Assemblages of Molluscs and Brachiopods of Unusually Large Sizes from the Permian of Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.10, pp.37-44.
早坂 一郎 1953:日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.10, pp.37-44.

HAYASAKA, I. AND HAYASAKA, S. 1956: On a Cretaceous Species of Ostrea from Hokkaido, with Special Reference to its Mode of Occurrence. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.27, nos.2-4, pp.161-165.
早坂 一郎 1956:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.27, nos.2-4, pp.161-165.

HAYASAKA, I. AND HAYASAKA, S. 1960: Molluscan Fossils from Tungyuping in the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.38, pp.263-274.
早坂 一郎・早坂 祥三 1960:台溝澎湖諸島東峡坪産貝化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.38, pp.263-274.


HAYASAKA, I. AND HOSONO, M. 1951: A New Permian Spirifer from Timor. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.3, pp.25-28.
早坂 一郎 1951:

HAYASAKA, I. AND KATO, M. 1966: On Pseudoschwagerina miharanoensis AKAGI (An Upper Palaeozoic Fauna from Miharanoro, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. 1st. Note). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.13, no.3, pp.265-271, pls.31-32.
早坂 一郎; 1966:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.13, no.3, pp.265-271, pls.31-32.


HAYASAKA, I. AND KATO, M. 1966: On Enteletes gibbosus CHRONIC (An Upper Palaeozoic fauna from Miharanoro, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. 3rd note). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.13, no.3, pp.281-286, pl.35.
早坂 一郎 1966:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.13, no.3, pp.281-286, pl.35.

HAYASAKA, I. AND MATSUI, M. 1951: On some Gastropoda from the Momijiyama Formation. (Palaeontological Studies of the Tertiary System, Southern Part of the Ishikari-Coal-Field, Hokkaido, 1st Reprt). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.7, no.4, pp.331-338.
早坂 一郎 1951:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.7, no.4, pp.331-338.

HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1952: Carboniferous Formations in the Japanese Islands. In: Troisimè Congrès pour l'avancement des études de stratigraphie et de géologie du carbonifère, Heerlen, 1951, pp.267-274.
早坂 一郎 1952:

HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1954: A Sinospirifer-Faunule from the Abukuma Plateau, Northeast Japan, in Comparison with the So-Called Upper Devonian Brachiopod Faunule of the Kitakami Mountains. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.16, pp.201-211.
早坂 一郎・湊 正雄 1954:A Sinospirifer-Faunule from the Abukuma Plateau, Northeast Japan, in Comparison with the So-Called Upper Devonian Brachiopod Faunule of the Kitakami Mountains.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.16, pp.201-211.


HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1954: Note on the Carboniferous and Permian Faunas of Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.4, pp.325-380.
早坂 一郎 1954:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.4, pp.325-380.

HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1954: The Paleozoic of Japan. In: Congrés Géologique International, Comptes Rendus de la 19e Session, Alger, 1952, pp.193-204.
早坂 一郎 1954:

HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1956: Some Brachiopods from the Lower Kanokura Series of the Kitakami Mountains, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.21, pp.141-147.
早坂 一郎・湊 正雄 1956:北上山地・叶倉続葉の腕足類化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.21, pp.141-147.


HAYASAKA, I. AND MINATO, M. 1966: On Lonsdaleoides nishikawai n. sp. (An Upper Palaeozoic fauna from Miharanoro, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. 2nd note). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.13, no.3, pp.273-280, pl.33.
早坂 一郎 1966:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.13, no.3, pp.273-280, pl.33.

HAYASAKA, I. AND OZAKI, K. E. 1955: A Foordiceras from the Permian Formation of Central Japan. Science Reports of the Kanazawa University, Part 2, Biology, Geology, vol.3, no.1, pp.183-186.
早坂 一郎 1955:金沢大学理科報告.第二部,生物学・地質学, vol.3, no.1, pp.183-186.

HAYASAKA, I. AND SHIBATA, M. 1952: A New Tertiary Species of Echinarachnius from Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.2, pp.82-85.
早坂 一郎 1952:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.2, pp.82-85.

HAYASAKA, I. AND UOZUMI, S. 1952: On some Recent and Fossil Brachiopods from Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.2, pp.86-96.
早坂 一郎 1952:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.2, pp.86-96.

HAYASAKA, I. AND UOZUMI, S. 1954: Molluscan Fauna of the so-called "Momijiyama Transitional Formation". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.4, pp.391-406, pls.25-26.
早坂 一郎・魚住 悟 1954:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.4, pp.391-406, pls.25-26.


HAYASAKA, I. AND UOZUMI, S. 1954: Fossil Species of Genus Mercenaria from the Cenozoic Deposits of Hokkaido. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.15, pp.165-172.
早坂 一郎・魚住 悟 1954:北海道産Merceneria属の化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.15, pp.165-172.


HAYASAKA, I. AND UOZUMI, S. 1954: Paleontological Note on the Two Fossil Species of the Genus Pitar in Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy, vol.8, no.4, pp.381-390.
早坂 一郎 1954:北海道大学理学部紀要, vol.8, no.4, pp.381-390.

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